
нí ɡūуs. ωёlсомз τσ му sмаll lǐττιε ъlоɡɡǐё
ωёlсомз τσ му ωσяιd

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THanks! A million, billion of thanks! xD


Tuesday, October 22, 2013



也已经慢慢地忘了小时候爸妈是怎么一步一步地教我们, 从零学起的。


一开始只能骑着4轮自行车的我, 爸爸是怎么慢慢地,有耐心地教会我。

说真的, 我是真的很想要想起那段珍贵的回忆。

看这本来什么都不会, 一窍不通的儿女。。。到慢慢吸收着知识长大, 变成已经懂得怎么自己看着办的儿女。到底, 是怎么样的一种心情啊? 该要怎么去形容呢?

一方面当然, 应该会觉得欣慰吧。"啊, 他们可以自己照顾自己了啊。"

另方面却觉得, "唉, 看来他们是不需要我这个老人家了吧。已经不是那种遇到挫折就会躲进我怀里哭的小屁孩。"

其实, 我站在我爸妈的立场上想了想, 会有点想哭的感觉。总觉得,未来的我为人母了也会不会这么想呢?

就拿我爹地来当例子吧。他其实会有意无意地向我们提起说担心将来他老了, 我们会把他丢去老人院养老去。
我真的是觉得, 爹地你可以放100%的心。我一定不会这么做的。万事都要以"孝"为优先。虽然我老爸脾气有点坏,不服输。呵呵(我是有点遗传到啦~)

看着他的肩膀和背影~ 几时开始他已经不是那么地宽大了? 我记得我小时候很喜欢爬在他的肩膀,靠着他。
看着他半白的头发, 虽然会定时地染发。可是, 还是掩饰不了岁月的痕迹。

至于妈咪, 曾几何时已经开始叫我帮她每天搽药酒, 按摩她酸痛的腰以及肩膀。


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Memory.can never go back

This is my school Uniform When I was secondary school time... I really miss that moment... No need to worry for too much of things... No need to pay fee for resiting papers...

Miss those days... Those days that Will never go back... We need to grow up and move forward...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Exam during my month!

I Don't understand why. Why exam periods always arranged at my birthday month!?!?  I have No birthday celebration feeling every year. It's too stress and have No mood to bother all my friends.
The only thing that I feel very lucky is, the last paper drop at the day before my birthday this year.
Anyway, God bless me for the coming stressful exam!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Hazy whether

Thanks to a 'country' that said that this hazy whether is Just a natural conditions. Our country,Malaysia and also Singapore are facing the serious case now. Today is Monday, 24th June 2013 and the problem is getting worst! Hope that the country can take action!

Oh my. Feel that hardly breath Just because of that stupid haze. I cannot do anything. All I can do is wear mask and drink more water. For all my lovely families and friends, please do take  care of yourself and not getting yourself to sickness!

Thursday, May 23, 2013


噢… 说起这一件事,真的是折磨我。明明星期日晚上还好好的…还可以和老友鬼鬼逛夜市。怎么一到了半夜我的背部脊椎骨左边就痛到一直在睡睡醒醒的状态。真的是好无奈啊…

以为是运动过度肌肉酸痛… 不过想想也奇怪,我也没有运动得很激烈啊。所以第二天早上起来就立刻搽了药。可是半天了,还是没有好转。妈咪就觉得是我有风湿病== 她连忙就买了中药给我吃。还把我碎碎念了一番。结果星期一,没有上课。(其实心里还蛮开心的 :P)

到了第二天,好了一点不过还是很痛。睡觉的时候不能躺平,只能侧睡和趴睡。痛苦。动一下,就扯到筋。不能忍受了结果还是去看了中医。结论得到的是,我的气血不足。== 医生说我睡眠不足,因为常常熬夜。我还因此又被妈咪碎碎念了。(精神崩溃中) 后来拿了药就回家了。星期二,又旷课咯………

搞到那么多天,星期三终于舍得去上课了。一去到学院,同学们都很关心我的…我之前还是有大概和他们说我的状况。真的感谢他们热情的关心== 幸好,现在还很多了!多亏了那些药。不然我都不知道怎么上课了。下午还可以和同学们去吃好好吃的日本料理当午餐。有点贵==最近真的是缺钱。可是还是舍得花在吃的方面。好啦…我要oi oi睡觉了。晚安,亲爱的。

Friday, May 10, 2013

Malaysia boleh.

I'm not chinese
I'm not malay
I'm not indian

I'm a Malaysian!

I love Malaysia.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5 may 2013. Mood;excitee

5 may 2013, it may be nothing special for other countries' but for Malaysia. Today is the day to judge for our Malaysians future.

Today is our voting day. It's my first time to vote and I felt very excited and nervous. I have nothing to say here but all I can do is just wait for the results.

No matter how is the results, I'm still very proud to be One of a Malaysian. Malaysia boleh!

Let's pray.  hehe... 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Mamamiya, results are out and I already checked it. I planned not to check it until the new semester reopen at first one. I thought it was very Berry super duper terrible until I scared that I will get heart attack. But luckily, the results of mine considered okay although I'm not satisfied with it. I think I'm not suitable to work as an auditor in the future. Fate problem.. Lol! Auditing is driving Me crazy and I already realised it since I started my accountancy course.
Too bad!

Another thing... I saw your instagram accidentally. I don't mean to stalk you k? I mean I really accidentally saw you from my friend's post.

I saw you...  You're great. Why are you changing that great  that I think I will not ever want to erase you from my mind. You're having a wonderful life now with your career, your partner and so on. Sigh. I hope that you can have your awesome life as I know you sure will do so.. hehe... what a silly me right? I still cannot forget you. I thought I can stop thinking of you since We're not going to meet each other already after so many years. But, it's wrong when I saw your new updates. In fact, I still cannot erase you. You're my childhood memories, my first love although I'm just the single side and You're not responding to me. It's really hard for me to ignore you. I'm stubborn right? Hehe. Even me, myself also have no any idea why... 

Okay.  Just a bit emo here. I don't expect myself to be so emotional actually until I saw your updates. It's okay. It doesn't change anything because I'm a coward person. I'm not dare to express my real feeling to you that time. I don't have self confidence.

Anyway, just ignore my emotional part. Haha!

Sunday, I attended my cutie pie bestie, min's big day. Her convocation that she  graduated from Sheffield university and the ceremony hold at one world hotel. I'm so proud of her. Had lunch with her and another friends too as well. There was crowded by many people. I bought a doggy doll  and made a card for her as graduation present.. I was trying to give something other than just flowers. Nothing special but it filled with my heart. Haha! Hope she'll like it... lastly, congratulations to min and also loong and Ah boon who are graduated on that day too.. Lol!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Have fun during holidays.

I spent my Sunday night with my Malat Gang. We planned to have a walk at night market one but nearby that area have a political speech and it caused a lot of peoples and vehicles.  So we changed our plan to Publika.

We dressed up nicely and we headed there but we reached there almost at 11pm. Most of the cafes already closed. So we ended up with leaving there and we forced to change plan again.

We just sit inside the car and were like don't know where to go. Suddenly a plan came into my mind. GENTING HIGHLAND!

Where is Genting Highland? Google search please.   :P

Just kidding hehe. For those who not so clear about this place. Let me briefly explain. It located at Malaysia. XD It's high above. Haha!!! Nonsense around.

Something like that... Before we get up there, we ate prawn mee as supper. It's kind of enjoyable when the weather is cold and we enjoy our hot tea with hot soups.

Reached there around 1am and we started to find some cold stuffs to eat. Ice-cream!!!!!! 

Enjoy! Simply happiness.

But, my mummy was so worry about me and kept asking me to back home. As I'm a good daughter, we decided to go home earlier a biiiit by 2 something.   :P Reached home 3 something and quickly ran into my room to escape from mummy's nagging boom! Haha!!!

That's my day. Walked around at genting just to 'blow wind' and then back home. Bored? Haha!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013



也已经慢慢地忘了小时候爸妈是怎么一步一步地教我们, 从零学起的。


一开始只能骑着4轮自行车的我, 爸爸是怎么慢慢地,有耐心地教会我。

说真的, 我是真的很想要想起那段珍贵的回忆。

看这本来什么都不会, 一窍不通的儿女。。。到慢慢吸收着知识长大, 变成已经懂得怎么自己看着办的儿女。到底, 是怎么样的一种心情啊? 该要怎么去形容呢?

一方面当然, 应该会觉得欣慰吧。"啊, 他们可以自己照顾自己了啊。"

另方面却觉得, "唉, 看来他们是不需要我这个老人家了吧。已经不是那种遇到挫折就会躲进我怀里哭的小屁孩。"

其实, 我站在我爸妈的立场上想了想, 会有点想哭的感觉。总觉得,未来的我为人母了也会不会这么想呢?

就拿我爹地来当例子吧。他其实会有意无意地向我们提起说担心将来他老了, 我们会把他丢去老人院养老去。
我真的是觉得, 爹地你可以放100%的心。我一定不会这么做的。万事都要以"孝"为优先。虽然我老爸脾气有点坏,不服输。呵呵(我是有点遗传到啦~)

看着他的肩膀和背影~ 几时开始他已经不是那么地宽大了? 我记得我小时候很喜欢爬在他的肩膀,靠着他。
看着他半白的头发, 虽然会定时地染发。可是, 还是掩饰不了岁月的痕迹。

至于妈咪, 曾几何时已经开始叫我帮她每天搽药酒, 按摩她酸痛的腰以及肩膀。


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Memory.can never go back

This is my school Uniform When I was secondary school time... I really miss that moment... No need to worry for too much of things... No need to pay fee for resiting papers...

Miss those days... Those days that Will never go back... We need to grow up and move forward...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Exam during my month!

I Don't understand why. Why exam periods always arranged at my birthday month!?!?  I have No birthday celebration feeling every year. It's too stress and have No mood to bother all my friends.
The only thing that I feel very lucky is, the last paper drop at the day before my birthday this year.
Anyway, God bless me for the coming stressful exam!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Hazy whether

Thanks to a 'country' that said that this hazy whether is Just a natural conditions. Our country,Malaysia and also Singapore are facing the serious case now. Today is Monday, 24th June 2013 and the problem is getting worst! Hope that the country can take action!

Oh my. Feel that hardly breath Just because of that stupid haze. I cannot do anything. All I can do is wear mask and drink more water. For all my lovely families and friends, please do take  care of yourself and not getting yourself to sickness!

Thursday, May 23, 2013


噢… 说起这一件事,真的是折磨我。明明星期日晚上还好好的…还可以和老友鬼鬼逛夜市。怎么一到了半夜我的背部脊椎骨左边就痛到一直在睡睡醒醒的状态。真的是好无奈啊…

以为是运动过度肌肉酸痛… 不过想想也奇怪,我也没有运动得很激烈啊。所以第二天早上起来就立刻搽了药。可是半天了,还是没有好转。妈咪就觉得是我有风湿病== 她连忙就买了中药给我吃。还把我碎碎念了一番。结果星期一,没有上课。(其实心里还蛮开心的 :P)

到了第二天,好了一点不过还是很痛。睡觉的时候不能躺平,只能侧睡和趴睡。痛苦。动一下,就扯到筋。不能忍受了结果还是去看了中医。结论得到的是,我的气血不足。== 医生说我睡眠不足,因为常常熬夜。我还因此又被妈咪碎碎念了。(精神崩溃中) 后来拿了药就回家了。星期二,又旷课咯………

搞到那么多天,星期三终于舍得去上课了。一去到学院,同学们都很关心我的…我之前还是有大概和他们说我的状况。真的感谢他们热情的关心== 幸好,现在还很多了!多亏了那些药。不然我都不知道怎么上课了。下午还可以和同学们去吃好好吃的日本料理当午餐。有点贵==最近真的是缺钱。可是还是舍得花在吃的方面。好啦…我要oi oi睡觉了。晚安,亲爱的。

Friday, May 10, 2013

Malaysia boleh.

I'm not chinese
I'm not malay
I'm not indian

I'm a Malaysian!

I love Malaysia.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5 may 2013. Mood;excitee

5 may 2013, it may be nothing special for other countries' but for Malaysia. Today is the day to judge for our Malaysians future.

Today is our voting day. It's my first time to vote and I felt very excited and nervous. I have nothing to say here but all I can do is just wait for the results.

No matter how is the results, I'm still very proud to be One of a Malaysian. Malaysia boleh!

Let's pray.  hehe... 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Mamamiya, results are out and I already checked it. I planned not to check it until the new semester reopen at first one. I thought it was very Berry super duper terrible until I scared that I will get heart attack. But luckily, the results of mine considered okay although I'm not satisfied with it. I think I'm not suitable to work as an auditor in the future. Fate problem.. Lol! Auditing is driving Me crazy and I already realised it since I started my accountancy course.
Too bad!

Another thing... I saw your instagram accidentally. I don't mean to stalk you k? I mean I really accidentally saw you from my friend's post.

I saw you...  You're great. Why are you changing that great  that I think I will not ever want to erase you from my mind. You're having a wonderful life now with your career, your partner and so on. Sigh. I hope that you can have your awesome life as I know you sure will do so.. hehe... what a silly me right? I still cannot forget you. I thought I can stop thinking of you since We're not going to meet each other already after so many years. But, it's wrong when I saw your new updates. In fact, I still cannot erase you. You're my childhood memories, my first love although I'm just the single side and You're not responding to me. It's really hard for me to ignore you. I'm stubborn right? Hehe. Even me, myself also have no any idea why... 

Okay.  Just a bit emo here. I don't expect myself to be so emotional actually until I saw your updates. It's okay. It doesn't change anything because I'm a coward person. I'm not dare to express my real feeling to you that time. I don't have self confidence.

Anyway, just ignore my emotional part. Haha!

Sunday, I attended my cutie pie bestie, min's big day. Her convocation that she  graduated from Sheffield university and the ceremony hold at one world hotel. I'm so proud of her. Had lunch with her and another friends too as well. There was crowded by many people. I bought a doggy doll  and made a card for her as graduation present.. I was trying to give something other than just flowers. Nothing special but it filled with my heart. Haha! Hope she'll like it... lastly, congratulations to min and also loong and Ah boon who are graduated on that day too.. Lol!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Have fun during holidays.

I spent my Sunday night with my Malat Gang. We planned to have a walk at night market one but nearby that area have a political speech and it caused a lot of peoples and vehicles.  So we changed our plan to Publika.

We dressed up nicely and we headed there but we reached there almost at 11pm. Most of the cafes already closed. So we ended up with leaving there and we forced to change plan again.

We just sit inside the car and were like don't know where to go. Suddenly a plan came into my mind. GENTING HIGHLAND!

Where is Genting Highland? Google search please.   :P

Just kidding hehe. For those who not so clear about this place. Let me briefly explain. It located at Malaysia. XD It's high above. Haha!!! Nonsense around.

Something like that... Before we get up there, we ate prawn mee as supper. It's kind of enjoyable when the weather is cold and we enjoy our hot tea with hot soups.

Reached there around 1am and we started to find some cold stuffs to eat. Ice-cream!!!!!! 

Enjoy! Simply happiness.

But, my mummy was so worry about me and kept asking me to back home. As I'm a good daughter, we decided to go home earlier a biiiit by 2 something.   :P Reached home 3 something and quickly ran into my room to escape from mummy's nagging boom! Haha!!!

That's my day. Walked around at genting just to 'blow wind' and then back home. Bored? Haha!!