
нí ɡūуs. ωёlсомз τσ му sмаll lǐττιε ъlоɡɡǐё
ωёlсомз τσ му ωσяιd

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Darling, Dear. Brothers!!!!

Bukit Tinggi!!!
Here I come AgAiN!!!

WIth mY Darling. Dear and Brothers aka BuddiEs!!!
Can CHat with thEm 99(means can chat till crazy xD) Already!!!
2Days1Night trip!

我来也--Part 2!

1 comment:

lin said...
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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Darling, Dear. Brothers!!!!

Bukit Tinggi!!!
Here I come AgAiN!!!

WIth mY Darling. Dear and Brothers aka BuddiEs!!!
Can CHat with thEm 99(means can chat till crazy xD) Already!!!
2Days1Night trip!

我来也--Part 2!

1 comment:

lin said...
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