
нí ɡūуs. ωёlсомз τσ му sмаll lǐττιε ъlоɡɡǐё
ωёlсомз τσ му ωσяιd

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Friday, March 19, 2010


Heng! Have to redo again =-=

Yes! Just finished having Tamadun Islam test today.
I just know how to do half of the questions. OPS!
How about the another half?
Will let you know privately.
ngek ngek.

One more thing.
About the subject of MYOB as known as Mind Your Own Business.
I think that i have to redo=-=
Just in case la.
I am so dislike the tutor or so called lecturer.
He likes us to call him as lecturer.
But, for me. He is just a tutor. How to spell? t.u.t.o.r
He was like.. OMG!
Everytime when he is asking us.
Then he will expecting that we SHOULD know it.

If we cannot answer? or answer wrongly?
He will show us "aiyoyo. so easy also don't know how to answer?" expression.
And told us: How can you all cannot answer? you all are the last year of diploma's students.
If we know everything, then you're useless for us already.
Because you no need to teach us anymore. We know everthing what!
Gek hei ar==

Hmm... Hmm.... I should stop complaining again..
My bad habits. Love to complain this and that. Haha!
By the way,
I just ate only 2meals for today.
Maggi mee for breakfast, nescafe + bread for dinner.
Something wrong with my stomach la.
I think i need to have a body check up. LOL!

And then horrrrrrrrrrr.
Will have some interesting activities for the following days.
Wohooo~ Cannot wait for it.

The End with l.o.v.e.s


G-Newton said...

hello ah, how do u put music on ur blog? and what song was that?

Sensualidades said...

loved your blog


【уǐйɡ уí】 said...

hey^^ you go and click the website under my player there. create an acc. then you can create ur own playlist, get the code of it. post it at ur blog^^ this music is river flows in you

hi.. thanks ya^^ *hugs*

Anonymous said...
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Friday, March 19, 2010


Heng! Have to redo again =-=

Yes! Just finished having Tamadun Islam test today.
I just know how to do half of the questions. OPS!
How about the another half?
Will let you know privately.
ngek ngek.

One more thing.
About the subject of MYOB as known as Mind Your Own Business.
I think that i have to redo=-=
Just in case la.
I am so dislike the tutor or so called lecturer.
He likes us to call him as lecturer.
But, for me. He is just a tutor. How to spell? t.u.t.o.r
He was like.. OMG!
Everytime when he is asking us.
Then he will expecting that we SHOULD know it.

If we cannot answer? or answer wrongly?
He will show us "aiyoyo. so easy also don't know how to answer?" expression.
And told us: How can you all cannot answer? you all are the last year of diploma's students.
If we know everything, then you're useless for us already.
Because you no need to teach us anymore. We know everthing what!
Gek hei ar==

Hmm... Hmm.... I should stop complaining again..
My bad habits. Love to complain this and that. Haha!
By the way,
I just ate only 2meals for today.
Maggi mee for breakfast, nescafe + bread for dinner.
Something wrong with my stomach la.
I think i need to have a body check up. LOL!

And then horrrrrrrrrrr.
Will have some interesting activities for the following days.
Wohooo~ Cannot wait for it.

The End with l.o.v.e.s


G-Newton said...

hello ah, how do u put music on ur blog? and what song was that?

Sensualidades said...

loved your blog


【уǐйɡ уí】 said...

hey^^ you go and click the website under my player there. create an acc. then you can create ur own playlist, get the code of it. post it at ur blog^^ this music is river flows in you

hi.. thanks ya^^ *hugs*

Anonymous said...
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